Collage derives its name from the French verb coller, to glue. The work of art is made by gluing things to the surface. Collage became an art form during the Synthetic Cubist period of Picasso and Braque.
A collage may sometimes include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas.
As you begin to play around with collage, you’ll discover yourself moving closer and closer to the creative child within.
This inner playful child holds the key to your creative voice. Collage art is all about playing around with materials and colors and images, gluing them down and seeing what happens next.
The best part is there is no way to make a mistake.
You can’t go wrong with collage, no matter how hard you try! If you don’t like the way something looks, you simply paste something on top of it, or paint over it and add something different.